
To start this post I am going to open with a quote from the great Bruce Lee.

The hardest thing that I have issues with and for real its a tough one, is to just simply….ACT!

I have the plan(knowing), I have the ability(willing) and yet come 5pm when I get off from work I go home sit down at the computer and BAM its 11pm and I have done nothing but read meaningless articles, and watched netflix, youtube and hulu videos. A huge trap to get yourself into is to plan too much and say this and that but when it comes to following through and acting your no where to be found.

This is a big issue I have and on top of that I am definitely a BIG idea person. One day I want to move out of the country the next day I want to backpack around America but one thing that stayed the same is the fact that I didn’t do any of it. My tai chi instructor which is a person whom I talk with for hours,  likes to say that we would gain more in 15 min of meditation than we would for talking about theoretical ideas for 4 hours. I totally agree.

I feel like I have spent the last 3-4 years telling my self I would do all this crazy stuff but yet here I am feeling like I haven’t accomplished anything. Which to an extent the majority of my successes have all come through inner development that perceptually changed the course of my life. I say perceptually because in fact the whole time I have always been on this journey but I just had not realized it yet.

Once I made changes and started to be more harmonious with my environment, aka becoming less resistant, things just almost felt like they clicked in to place. It was amazing to see and feel, in my next post I will talk more about my mental transformation. I remember almost every day being like “this is the most ironic thing ever” or “thats a coincidence”, but then I realized these events or signs happen far to often to be random. These coincidental events would be meeting someone at the perfect time, finding the right book or piece of knowledge that connects a puzzle of ideas, hearing the right song with the most perfect lyrics, or the form of a terrible decision that you miraculously come out very lucky, any of these things would happen sometimes every day or sometimes once a week.

Now the reason I am explaining all this is that when you become less resistant and more open to what the possibilities of your life are these “ironic” events happen but these events are not what is special about this process. It is what these events represent, which is opportunity . Every time there is a sign or ironic event it is your chance to ACT and seize the opportunity which will always lead you in the direction of your dream because that dream usually seeps in to the subconscious.



Above all else you MUST , Act!! Doing one thing for as little as 5 mins a day will build up over time and create passion and growth. Some may say that’s too little time to change but its the ACT that is what matters because once you stick with it everyday you build that habit and eventually that 5 mins will turn in to 10 and then 20 and if you find what your looking for you might just give up everything you know and dedicate your entire life to a single goal.

That’s what happen to me. I realize my potential. I am more harmonious. I now act on my opportunities. Yes I may fall and yes it does hurt but you can bet your ass I will get up every single time and be a better man for it.

Will you see and seize your opportunity?

2 responses to “Act

  1. What’s up Ross.

    I wanted to comment on one particular line that stood out to me.

    ” I say perceptually because in fact the whole time I have always been on this journey but I just had not realized it yet.”

    Though, this post is about taking initiative, I loved this line! This line shows an honor and respect for the process you have gone through to get to this point. It shows that you are willing to let the past be the past and to use it stepping stones to this very moment.

    Me, what am I trying to act on? I’m trying to intentionally find the joy and purpose in every single activity throughout my day. I’m not talking about stupid “I eat cereal, breathe, and the universe is one with me.” I’m talking about appreciating the discipline and work that is required to do big things. But this also includes taking a 10 minute walk outside and noticing the shift in the trees. When did that flower bud? What causes the leaves to look like that? It’s about embracing the mystery while in the midst of it :).

    • Izzy first of all that is amazing that your are taking time in your life to to find joy and purpose in each activity, this is something that I strive to achieve myself. Secondly thank you for the kind words, a big thing that has help me recently is understanding I can not change the past and also that every single action even including the most minuscule has meaning and purpose for the future. Also that I am just the accumulation of the experiences at this point.

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